Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Hey! My name is Daryl but I'm also known by many as daz, dazza, dazzle, dazmatron, bedazzle and anything with a d in it really... I've just turned 18 and enjoying life after school. Doing uni now which I think is interesting... sometimes anyway. For example, I've only just found out what a blog is today as part of my tutorial in New Communication Technologies. It's actually kinda cool seeing as I'm pretty clueless when it comes to computer and internet territory! I think communication is one of the most important skills you can learn because it's ESSENTIAL in anything you do, career and otherwise. Although I daresay blogging will not be an essential skill to put on a resume, it is an up and coming trend that's definitely worth learning about. Having practice and learning about the web and its possibilities is also something I'm looking forward to learning about in this course. Other than that, I hope through the course I can also brush up on my communication skills as well as gain a little insight into the world of communication technology with reference to its history, as well as appreciate more its importance in contemporary society. Just by glancing at the course outline though, I believe the subject will also help to lay a foundation in other arts/communication and journalism subjects...which is a good thing because that's what I'm studying...

1 comment:

Krista-Lee said...

Cool colours in the blog...nice work!!
Thanks for the funky name in the friends list!!
Missing school? hahaha
kL :)